T h e A l b e r e l l o b u s h v i n e s

Bush-trained vines are grown on the northern side of the volcano, supported by chestnut poles. This is viticulture practiced under extreme conditions, this is why it is often called ‘heroic’.

Of all the different forms of vine training practiced on Mount Etna, the Alberello bush vine is without doubt one the most traditional and identifying.  The difficult conditions in term of climate and terrain have been historically overcome by perfecting this vine-training system. Viticulture in this area has often been defined as ‘heroic’, due to the difficulties involved in growing vines on very steep inclines and altitudes well over 1,000 meters a.s.l., which in Italy are found only in mountain regions such as Alto Adige and Valle d’Aosta) and also due to the small yields obtained. The bush vines of Tenute Mannino di Plachi grow supported by chestnut-wood poles and usually have a great longevity: older plants typically yield higher quality grapes compared to their younger counterparts, as they have developed a greater adaptation to the local climate and their surrounding environment. For all these reasons, Mount Etna today boasts a rich heritage due to its bush vines, which in many cases are over 100 years of age.