T h e E s t a t e s

Tenuta del Gelso, Pietra Marina and Tenuta Le Sciarelle are the three cornerstones of Tenute Mannino’s entrepreneurial vision. Each with its unique landscape and atmosphere, excellent wines and artisanal delicacies – a chance to immerse yourself in nature, vineyards and enjoy stunning views of the volcano.

Three vineyards located along the northern and the south-eastern slopes of Mount Etna, today a UNESCO World Heritage Site – a total of 72 hectares in holdings, 10 of which dedicated to vine growing. A wine region blessed with a markedly variable climate and fertile soils: ideal conditions for the practice of high-quality viticulture. Tenuta Le Sciarelle – on the southern slopes of the Etna volcano, is mostly dedicated to white-skinned grapes such as Carricante and Catarratto; Pietra Marina, located in the heart of the Castiglione di Sicilia area, on tMount Etna’s northern slopes at an altitude of 550-600 meters above sea level – the estate offers wonderful rural accommodation for wine-lovers and holidaymakers alike. Finally, Tenuta del Gelso, presiding over an extensive plot of land where the Mannino family has established a successful olive and citrus production.

Located in Viagrande, on the south-eastern side of Mount Etna at an altitude of 450 meters above sea level, where the vines grow on volcanic soils and thrive thanks to the breeze that comes in from the sea. This estate enjoys less annual rainfall compared to Pietra Marina but still benefits form significant diurnal temperature variations and cool weather in the summer months. The perfect terroir for native white grapes such as Carricante and Catarratto, essential for the making of the Etna Doc Bianco Tenute Mannino di Plachi and Palmento ‘810.

Tenute Mannino di PLachi

L e S c i a r e l l e

Tenute Mannino di Plachi

P i e t r a M a r i n a

Located in Castiglione di Sicilia, on the northern slopes of Mount Etna at an altitude of 550-600 meters above sea level, the vineyard is exposed to abundant rainfall and strong diurnal temperature variations. Here the bush-trained vines grow luxuriantly, surrounded by woods where biodiversity in ensured by the fertile and mineral-rich volcanic soil. A truly unique territory where growers have succeeded in preserving century-old vines from the 19th century phylloxera epidemic. These red-skinned native varietals, Vasadonna and Placo are blended in the making of the Etna Rosso Docs and two sparkling Caterina di Plachi labels (both classic-method sparkling Etna Doc wines).

Located in Castiglione di Sicilia, on the northern slopes of Mount Etna at an altitude of 550-600 meters above sea level, the vineyard is exposed to abundant rainfall and strong diurnal temperature variations. Here the bush-trained vines grow luxuriantly, surrounded by woods where biodiversity in ensured by the fertile and mineral-rich volcanic soil. A truly unique territory where growers have succeeded in preserving century-old vines from the 19th century phylloxera epidemic. These red-skinned native varietals, Vasadonna and Placo are blended in the making of the Etna Rosso Docs and two sparkling Caterina di Plachi labels (both classic-method sparkling Etna Doc wines).

The 65-hectare estate of Tenuta del Gelso is one of the crowning jewels of Sicily’s citrus growing tradition. Not far from an ancient well, the orange grove is the heart of Tenute Mannino di Plachi’s other core business as this corner of Sicily at the foot of Mount Etna is a veritable treasure trove of prized produce: Clementines and Tarocco oranges (Scire, Gallo), but also Ciaculli mandarins and many different varieties of lemons, citron and grapefruit.

Tenute Mannino di PLachi

T e n u t a d e l G e l s o