T e n u t e M a n n i n o d i P l a c h i

Tenuta del Gelso is an extraordinary and innovative agricultural hub. It is here that the Mannino family began their productive journey

A family history

H i s t o r y a n d I d e n t i t y

A n e w g e n e r a t i o n a t t h e h e l m

Giuseppe Mannino breathed new life into his family’s winemaking vocation and into the Etna Doc denomination, building a dynamic entrepreneurial reality. As the heir of six generations of winemakers, Giorgio is now the leader of a solid and well-established wine and agricultural business.

Giuseppe Mannino breathed new life into his family’s winemaking vocation and into the Etna Doc denomination, building a dynamic entrepreneurial reality. As the heir of six generations of winemakers, Giorgio is now the leader of a solid and well-established wine and agricultural business.

Arianna and Federico work alongside Giuseppe and Giorgio in the development of the company activities. Arianna Vitale is our sales and marketing manager, Federico Guzzardi is head of hospitality and wine-tourism activities.

One big family

O u r t e a m