L e S c i a r e l l e

Tenute Mannino welcomes groups of 15 people or more to its estate Le Sciarelle. Wine tastings, cooking classes, fine dining, corporate or private functions and team building events.

Located on the south-eastern slopes of Mount Etna in the district of Viagrande, Tenuta Le Sciarelle is the perfect place to discover the volcanic character of the Etna Doc wines, the crowning jewels of Tenute Mannino di Plachi. The tasting room, located in the ancient palmento of the eighteenth-century villa, represents a real agricultural museum dedicated to the history and traditions of Sicily’s viticulture. Among the many wine-tourism packages to choose from, we have Grape Plantation: a guided tour (both in Italian and English) of our vineyards and the many secrets to the art of winemaking – from vine management to harvest time – secrets handed down across generations.