O u r v a r i e t a l s

Four varietals, the most representative of the Etna region, are grown in the vineyards of Tenute Mannino di Plachi. Carricante and Catarratto in the Viagrande district, Nerello Mascalese and Nerello Cappuccio in Castiglione di Sicilia: native grapes which give life to a range of unmistakably Etnean wines. Harvested and vinified at different times, they represent the most original expressions of the volcanic region in which they were born.

One of the four native vines typical of the Etna region, a grape of oenological value. In its ideal habitat, the mountain’s volcanic soils and marked diurnal temperature variations give life and longevity to great whites, whether vinified separately or blended with Catarratto. The annual yields are typically plentiful compared to other Sicilian varietals and are characterized by a satisfying acidity which imparts longevity and freshness to our labels.

the vines of Tenute Mannino

C a r r i c a n t e

the vines of Tenute Mannino

C a t a r r a t t o

Catarratto (or Lucido) is the second most widely grown varietal in Italy, occupying an approximate total of 45,000 hectares. It can be found throughout the island of Sicily, but it is here on the slopes of Mount Etna that this native has found ideal soil and climatic conditions. The igneous soils are essential to achieve a highly aromatic grape of outstanding minerality and freshness.

Catarratto (or Lucido) is the second most widely grown varietal in Italy, occupying an approximate total of 45,000 hectares. It can be found throughout the island of Sicily, but it is here on the slopes of Mount Etna that this native has found ideal soil and climatic conditions. The igneous soils are essential to achieve a highly aromatic grape of outstanding minerality and freshness.

It is the star of the moment together with the other Etna natives and its cousin Nerello Cappuccio. Mostly grown as a bush-vine, it is believed to have made its first appearance on the shores of Calabria and then spread to Sicily, where it is also grown in the western part of the island. Today it is synonymous with elegance, territory and quality – it is grown on the northern slopes of Mount Etna and, of course, in Castiglione di Sicilia.

the vines of Tenute Mannino

N e r e l l o M a s c a l e s e

the vines of Tenute Mannino

N e r e l l o C a p p u c c i o

Rarely vinified as a monovarietal, it is mostly used in the making of smooth, elegant blends. This is a native variety that gives life to wines appreciated for their softness, harmony and pleasantness. Nerello Cappuccio is also known as “Mantellato”, probably because of its distinctive foliage, a veritable ‘cape’ of leaves protecting the grapes from the sun and atmospheric agents. Tenute Mannino grows it in the company’s Pietra Marina estate.

Rarely vinified as a monovarietal, it is mostly used in the making of smooth, elegant blends. This is a native variety that gives life to wines appreciated for their softness, harmony and pleasantness. Nerello Cappuccio is also known as “Mantellato”, probably because of its distinctive foliage, a veritable ‘cape’ of leaves protecting the grapes from the sun and atmospheric agents. Tenute Mannino grows it in the company’s Pietra Marina estate.